Becky Mulhollen Elected Board Chair for The Economic Alliance Snohomish County Ambassador Committee

March 6th, 2015

Wallick & Volk would like to congratulate Becky Mulhollen, Mortgage Consultant in the Bellevue branch, on being elected Board Chair for the Economic Alliance Snohomish County Ambassador Committee. Economic Alliance Snohomish County Ambassadors are a voluntary yet select group. Ambassadors benefit from increased visibility as active EASC investors. The opportunity to establish business relationships with a wide variety of individuals helps everyone grow their businesses. Ambassadors take an interactive role at events and are an integral part of the EASC overall retention program

Economic Alliance Snohomish County exists to be a catalyst for economic vitality resulting in stronger communities, increased job creation, expanded educational opportunities, and improved infrastructure. In recent years, EASC has successfully established Snohomish County’s role as a local, regional, and national leader for promoting economic development.


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